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“It gives me great pleasure to invite you to share in the beauty of the magical garden sanctuary at Aberfeldy Bermuda, on behalf of the owners and family who continue to love and nurture this historic property.”


– Claire James, Aberfeldy Ambassador



Our Team

& Custodian 

Whether you are seeking a beautiful space for your catered garden wedding venue, an intimate ceremony, afternoon tea or stunning setting for your special event we invite you to view the grounds and share your vision by making an appointment with Aberfeldy’s Ambassador and Custodian, Claire.

“I believe that it is important that you have a support team to make planning your event at Aberfeldy stress free. With this in mind, we have pre-approved professional planners, vendors, caterers and services that I will happily introduce you to and help you find a match”

– Claire James, Aberfeldy Ambassador

“The world is a rose, smell it and pass it to your friends” – Anon



First Love | Tea Rose

In the Formal Garden, Aberfeldy Bermuda


Request your visit!

13 + 3 =


Claire James

Aberfeldy Ambassador

aberfeldybermuda (@)
